Friday, May 11, 2007

early morning post

So here I am at 2:43 in the morning on a Friday. My throat is currently feeling much better. It's a bit stuffy up here in the attic but who cares. Anyway, I'm hoping I am fully cured soon, I am getting a bit restless just sitting around all day waiting for myself to heal up. Again I am bothered a bit by my performance this last semester, and I'm really looking forward to putting all behind me and moving on with everything. Well, I'm tired and I just got through watching the Goonies for the first time in a while. Night.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day one, tonsils out, outlook is pretty good....

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
I just returned home from surgery after having my tonsils taken out and boy are my arms tired. My throat feels like somebody punched the inside of my throat with spiked brass knuckles and then peed on it. Thats about as close as I can come to describing it. Right now I'm taking Tylenol with Codine and feel kind of light-headed but I have a feeling things would be a lot worse without it. I'm more concerned with my grades from this last semester at this point, I really dropped the ball and feel terrible about it. But the past is the past and I have to sleep in the bed I've made for myself. This summer I hope to achieve the goal of getting is shape. I finally feel like its crunch time for me and if I don't change myself this summer, I don't think I ever will. Anyone who knows me probably realizes I have an extreme lack of motivation and work ethic. I realize it's a problem so now the only step that remains is fixing it. I have a great family and some great friends so it's all on me to fix myself up. I weigh about 212 pounds right now, and I would love to get down to 180. I've been reading up on this 12 week program for diet and exercise and as soon as I'm able to move around again I would like to get started on it. No job as of yet, GNC came under new management and they are full up on positions. I am kind of relieved, not because I don't want to work this summer but because this forces me to find a new job, hopefully a physically intensive one that will get me in shape. Aside from that I'm pretty good. Well, thats all for today, I think I'm just gonna hang out until I feel better.